• YEAR: 2008
    DIMENSIONS: 81 x 20 x 16 cm
    TECHNICAL: mixed
    MODE: escultura
  • ‘In the course of our lives we make an infinite number of decisions. The reasons why we live are a combination of feelings and thoughts, reason and intuition. I don’t think that the two concepts can be separated. Colours, smells, evoke sensations. I don’t know exactly why, but that’s how it is.

    ‘I work with colour, with the materials, with the composition to explore the connections between the emotion and its intellectual response.

    ‘An orange fin, an industrial hook, a plank stitched to an abstract resin form, a blue object, a green spot… the world in which I live is full of meanings. All of this may create a feeling of discomfort, of conflict, but there’s also an optimistic, exciting vision that comes from the possibility of something new, something fantastic emerging.

    ‘Perhaps without realizing it, I also work with smells… with my olfactory memories. Can it be true?’

    Extract from a conversation between Jessica Stockholder and Alberto de Juan.

  • Exhibitions

    February - April 2019
    - the fragrance of images (touring exhibition)